About me

Hi, my name is Evangeline Ngozi Omini, I am a teacher and a lawyer by profession, having studied and obtained Degrees in BA(Edu), LLB (All Branches of Law including Medical Law) LLM (Masters Degree in Law, in Maynooth University Ireland. Even though I have expertise in Law, I reverted my career in Healthcare. My interest in Healthcare emaneted from my passion and empathy for people who cannot do what we take for granted, like doing everything for yourself without support.

Moreover, I have interest in Healthcare due to my zeal to research, support, and train people in Healthcare sector in order to ameliorate the issues hampering quality delivery of care. I grew up supporting my younger sister who was partially paralysed in one of her hands due to medical errors. Thus, I have nature/nurture training in Healthcare. I was born with having compassion on people. Those who know me can testify to this.
Story short, in 2014, I joined people to do research on how and reasons why we Irish live long these days.
I however argued that it is not living long that matters, but the quality of the Longevity. Thus, my research which included questionnaires and surveys led to the production of my cinematic book: 'LONGEVITY WITH JOY'. This book is on Amazon. There is also adaptation of Longevity With Joy for Healthcare movie in USA.
Having said these, I went fully into Healthcare sector as from 2014, working part-time while at the same time studying. As can be seen from my attached current CV, I am an academic.
After the experience I gathered in the Healthcare Services, I wrote another book entitled 'NEW HEALTHCARE TEXTBOOK' in 2019. This is also on Amazon. Due to my flair in writing, I wrote and published many books including 'Law Essays Made Easy', to help students struggling to write Law Essays, as law essays have peculiar logical ways and grammar to get good results.
I also wrote on Theology entitled 'GOD'S LOVE PREVAILS', due to my encounter with Jesus which changed my life and the way I look at life. It is also a cinematic book.
In addition, I have many manuscripts including 'HEALTHCARE WORKERS COMPANION'. In this book, I want to concisely put down guides for Healthcare Workers who might not have had enough experience.
Further, I am motivated by my current job of training in Healthcare organisations and online in which I got great positive feedback. (See the nature of my work as a trainer and the award for good job in 2024 in my YouTube videos).
Finally, Longevity With Joy Healthcare has ambitious MISSION AND VISION as well as OBJECTIVES SET GOALS which will revolutionise the way we train and support people with challenges.
In conclusion, I would advise our viewers and students to please go through our website and all it advertises. The information is loaded and Educational.
Thank you all.
Evangeline Ngozi Omini (CEO).


